
Canoe trek Semois

This 4-day trek on the Semois was an excellent introduction to canoeing. We left in Chiney and canoed past Florenville and Herbeumont. In total, we paddled around 70 kilometers.

The weather was terrible. A lot of rain and wind. The cold temperature didn't help either. During the night, we slept in tipi's. Per two, we paddled trough "Little Alaska" with our own baggage in the canoe. On the go, I got some techniques taught. There was a good flow and high tide because of the heavy rainfall. Therefore we went ahead smoothly. In the evening we enjoyed a great diner, which was prepared with simple camping material. This alternative way of trekking gave me a different look on this unknown part of Belgium. Thanks Canad!

White water training Rhônes Alpes

It took me around 8 hours to drive to Sault-Brenaz, in southern France. Peter of Canad convinced me to sign up for a 3 day training on an artificial white water route. Espace Eau Vive was made for training of several water sports, including canoe, kayak and rafting,... Although it was sunny and warm, the alpine water itself was freezing! The first morning, we got an introduction of some rescue techniques.
The rest of the days, we learned to traverse the river and making tight turns. It wasn't easy, but after 3 days I've got the hang of it!
It's a useful training for rougher parts of a trekking in the future!


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